20 May 2020 – The Executive ORDER to OPEN the country

White House Logo Economy National Security Budget Immigration Coronavirus.gov   Executive Orders Executive Order on Regulatory Relief to Support Economic Recovery Economy & Jobs Issued on: May 19, 2020     All News In December 2019, a novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 (“the virus”) was first detected in Wuhan, Hubei Province, People’s Republic of China,Continue reading “20 May 2020 – The Executive ORDER to OPEN the country”

14 March 2020 – Transitioning bio male to female redesigned – changing the biological sex is not THIS. Difficult to watch mutilation surgery. NOT simple and NOT reversible.

I have to say the whoever came up with this was a monster.  This is possibly the hardest things to watch other than an abortion animation.  This is an ANIMATION.  I can’t imagine the real thing.  This is difficult enough.  I can’t understand THIS type of mutilation.  It is HORRENDOUS!!!! Gender dysphoria is a mentalContinue reading “14 March 2020 – Transitioning bio male to female redesigned – changing the biological sex is not THIS. Difficult to watch mutilation surgery. NOT simple and NOT reversible.”

12 March 2020 – Schools to remain OPEN in SPITE of Coronavirus – Texas could care less about their CHILDREN!!!!! @realDonaldTrump

Hidalgo, Turner and health official care more about keeping the seats warm in Schools than the health and welfare of same said families!!!! Children can be vulnerable too.  They might take longer to show up, but when they do, it’ll be too late!!!  And then what?  They will plead what?  Ignorance? Every doctor knows thatContinue reading “12 March 2020 – Schools to remain OPEN in SPITE of Coronavirus – Texas could care less about their CHILDREN!!!!! @realDonaldTrump”

9 March 2020 – ANOTHER CURE – HIV and COVID19? All in the same day or two? What are the odds?

Yesterday I saw that a man in Spain had been successfully treated for Covid-19.  Here’s that article – “8 March 2020 – The TREATMENT for Coronavirus – Covid19 – Covid-19 has a tested treatment from Spain https://txlady706.home.blog/2020/03/08/8-march-2020-the-treatment-for-coronavirus-covid19-covid-19-has-a-tested-treatment-from-spain/ via @TXLADY7061“ The odds of having a cure for TWO deadly virus’ are slim to 0, as thereContinue reading “9 March 2020 – ANOTHER CURE – HIV and COVID19? All in the same day or two? What are the odds?”

25 Feb 2020 – Child abuse by a government system that leaves parents out -Permanent physical damage – when is it a choice?

  Heartbroken Dad Of Trans Teen Breaks Gag To Beg For End Of ‘State-Sponsored Child Abuse’ ‘I had a perfectly healthy child a year ago, and that perfectly healthy child has been altered and destroyed for absolutely no good reason,’ Rob Hoogland says. By Jeremiah Keenan FEBRUARY 21, 2020 For the past 11 months, Robert Hoogland, aContinue reading “25 Feb 2020 – Child abuse by a government system that leaves parents out -Permanent physical damage – when is it a choice?”

24 Feb 2020 – Harvard complicit in Wuhan and espionage

from – https://gellerreport.com/2020/02/harvard-professor-arrested-by-the-fbi.html/ Harvard Professor arrested by the FBI By Pamela Geller – on February 22, 2020 ACADEMIA   The criminal complaint against Lieber alleges that he lied to both the government and Harvard. According to the complaint, Lieber was involved with the program from at least 2012 to 2017. His contract called for a salary as high asContinue reading “24 Feb 2020 – Harvard complicit in Wuhan and espionage”

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